Maryland Zoo Map
We offer an online interactive map to help plan your visit. You can customize and control what you see! Remember, there’s free parking at the Zoo every day.
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The Zoo’s Main Entrance is located at: 1 Safari Place Baltimore, MD 21217.
Driving Directions to The Zoo
The Zoo is located in beautiful Druid Hill Park – less than 10 minutes from Baltimore’s Downtown Inner Harbor.
- From I-83 North and South – Take Exit 7 (West) to Druid Park Lake Drive – follow signs to “General Zoo Parking.”
- From I-95 South – Take I-695 West to I-83 South. Take Exit 7 (West) to Druid Park Lake Drive – follow signs to “General Zoo Parking.”
- From I-95 North – Take I-395 North (Exit 53), turn right onto Pratt Street, then turn left onto President Street. Continue straight on I-83 North. Take Exit 7 (West) to Druid Park Lake Drive – follow signs to “General Zoo Parking.”
- From I-70 – Take I-695 North to I-83 South. Take Exit 7 (West) to Druid Park Lake Drive – follow signs to “General Zoo Parking.”
- From Downtown Baltimore – Take Pratt Street to President Street and turn left. Continue straight on I-83 North. Take Exit 7 (West) to Druid Park Lake Drive – follow signs to “General Zoo Parking.”
For information about public transportation, connect to the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) at 410-539-5000 or visit their website.
Looking for exact GPS coordinates? Use the longitude and latitude numbers below where you would normally type your destination address:
- Main Gate: General Parking and Bus Drop Off 39.322258, -76.650464
Maryland Zoo Entrance
Worried about the weather? Don’t be!
Is the day not looking as great as you planned? Don’t worry! See our Rainy Day guide below to find all the best places to stay dry.