Most keepers say it has always been their dream to work at a Zoo. Shane took a unique path that lead to a Zookeeper job at The Maryland Zoo that you’ll learn about in the National Zookeeper Week profile below.

What kind of animals do you work with or what area?


How long have you been working at the zoo?

2 Months

What steps did you take in order to become an animal keeper?

I interned at The Mirage in Las Vegas with their Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins. I worked with them for 7 years before coming here.

What do you want the public to know about zookeeping?

It is a very rewarding career that requires a large amount of manual labor.

Why did you want to become a keeper?

I didn’t. I fell into my career with dolphins and loved it. From there to here it was a decision of furthering my animal career with intent of getting into management.

What hobbies/interests do you have outside of your zoo life?

Going to Orioles games. Going to the gym. Learning to speak German. Cooking.

What is your favorite part of a typical day at the Zoo?

I like to do the yard work/maintenance, it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

Keeping up with all the physical demands around the barn.

What do you think is the most important reason to support the zoo?

Scientists have found that we are currently in one of the biggest extinction events ever. Species are dying about 100 times faster than ever before. The Zoo promotes conservation and animal care in efforts of combating these problems through public awareness.