sitatunga in grass

Sitatunga live in secluded, thickly vegetated, muddy swamps and marshes throughout central Africa. See them at the Zoo in the African Journey, across from the flamingos. Sitatunga tend to be solitary animals. Females may form loose herds but males keep to themselves. Sitatunga feed on bulrushes, sedges and leaves of bushes growing in the swamp or near ...

prehensile tailed skink sitting on a branch
Prehensile-tailed Skink

Prehensile-tailed skinks are native only to the Solomon Islands, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean located northeast of Australia.  They are rainforest animals that live in tall trees. Prehensile-tailed skinks are almost exclusively arboreal, which means that they rarely descend to the ground.  They are well adapted for life in trees. They use their ...

Don Hutchinson in front of penguin exhibit
Don Hutchinson to step down as President of the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore today announced that Donald P. Hutchinson will be stepping down from his role as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) next year after twelve-and-a-half years with the organization.  Mr. Hutchinson’s last day will be June 30, 2020. “The staff, volunteers and Trustees of The Maryland Zoo will miss Don ...

two blue bellied rollers on a branch.
Avian Influenza FAQ’s

Cases of avian flu have been confirmed across the US and Canada, including here in Maryland. This strain of the disease is highly contagious and lethal to birds. As a precautionary measure, we have closed our aviaries and modified exhibits to protect our birds. In consultation with the Maryland State Veterinarian, most of our bird species have been returned ...

Polar Bears International

Preserving a Future for Polar Bears Across the Arctic: Polar Bears International is the only conservation organization solely dedicated to wild polar bears. Through research, education, and advocacy they work to inspire people to care about the Arctic and its connection to our global climate. Join this virtual Field Talk to learn more about leading polar ...

Keeper Spotlight – Shane

Most keepers say it has always been their dream to work at a Zoo. Shane took a unique path that lead to a Zookeeper job at The Maryland Zoo that you’ll learn about in the National Zookeeper Week profile below. What kind of animals do you work with or what area? Elephants How long have you been working at the zoo? 2 Months What steps did you take in ...

zoo keeper training rhino
National Zoo Keeper Week Profile – Ellie Y.

It’s National Zoo Keeper Appreciation Week and we’re celebrating the amazing work our zookeepers do for wildlife every day. They are the dedicated keepers, teachers, and caretakers of the animals here at the zoo. They are also some of the most Passionate hardworking people you’ll meet. The Maryland Zoo is fortunate to have expert teams of animal ...

zoo keeper
Keeper Spotlight – Anthony S.

In this keeper spotlight you’ll meet a keeper who started our as a teen in our Junior Zoo Crew and worked his way up. What kind of animals do you work with or what area? African hoofstock, carnivores, and farm animals. How long have you been working at the zoo? I’ve been working at the Zoo for 4 years and I volunteered for a while before ...

chinchilla on cardboard box

Chinchillas are native to western South America.  They live on the rocky slopes of the Andes Mountains at elevations between 9 and 15 thousand feet.  The land is arid, with sparse vegetation and plenty of rock cover.  Chinchillas were once common along the entire western coastline of South America, but are now limited mainly to the countries of Bolivia, ...

Student questions from Base Camp Discovery

Natalie asks: Most plants make their own food! Using the energy from sunlight captured by special cells in their leaves and sometimes their stems, plants can combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar! They use the energy stored in this sugar to breath and grow. Plants also take up vitamins and minerals (nutrients) primarily from the ground through ...

Maryland Zoo Devastated by Death of Giraffe Anuli

BALTIMORE – The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is sad to announce the death of Anuli, the Zoo’s eight-year-old giraffe, which passed away unexpectedly last night.   “We are stunned by this sudden loss,” stated Kirby Fowler, president & CEO of the  Maryland Zoo. “Anuli was an integral part of the giraffe herd, and has been a favorite of ...

grizzly bear
Grizzly Bear Hibernation Updates

Grizzly Bears are seasonally active, awake for part of the year and asleep for part of the year. To conserve energy, they hibernate during the winter months. They put on massive amounts of weight before retreating into winter dens where they live off of stored fat. While hibernating, a Grizzly Bear’s body temperature drops by a few degrees, its heart ...