Maryland Zoo Announces September and October Event Schedule

BALTIMORE, MD – Start the school year rolling with these events at The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore! Start fast and strong with “Jungle Jack Hanna”, and learn a little bit about your new friends while celebrating African Penguin and Primate Awareness day! September 7 │ 7:00 PM │ Goucher College – Kraushaar Auditorium The Maryland Zoo in ...

mike cranfield at podium
Veterinary Internship & Conservation Award Renamed for Dr. Mike Cranfield

Generous donation by Michael and Ann Hankin memorializes Cranfield’s lifetime of accomplishments BALTIMORE, MD –  At a memorial service for its former top veterinarian and world-renowned animal conservationist, Dr. Mike Cranfield, the Maryland Zoo announced that an existing research internship program would be renamed in his honor.   After his ...

Snowy owl with wings spread and tracker on its back.
Conservation at Work – Testing Solar GPS Transmitter for Snowy Owls

BALTIMORE, MD – This winter when Project SNOWstorm co-founder Dave Brinker asked the Maryland Zoo for assistance testing a new GPS transmitter for tracking snowy owls, Dr. Ellen Bronson, sr. director of animal health, conservation, and research and Jennifer Kottyan, avian collection and conservation manager at the Zoo, welcomed the chance to help by ...

Child in front of quiet zone sign
The Maryland Zoo Receives Sensory Inclusion Certification

The Maryland Zoo has become the first tourist destination in Maryland to earn sensory inclusion certification through KultureCity. KultureCity is a nationally recognized nonprofit that provides sensory inclusion training and tools to venues and large-scale events. “We strive to make The Maryland Zoo welcoming to everyone,” said Don Hutchinson, ...

virtual field talks
Bolivian River Dolphins

Dr. Ellen Bronson will speak on her experience with an effort to rescue and translocate a group of Bolivian river dolphins while collecting priceless information on this endangered species. Please click this link to join the webinar: No registration needed! Just click the link above to join on the day of ...

penguins on the beach
To Save a Species

By Sarah Evans Over the past four years, Jess Phillips has dived deep into the world of African penguins. As area manager of the Zoo’s Penguin Coast exhibit, he leads the team that oversees the largest colony of African penguins in North America while also tending to white-breasted cormorants and pink-backed pelicans. “I’m a horse guy,” he says ...

Ford “EcoBoost Challenge Tour” Comes to The Maryland Zoo

On Friday, March 27, 2015, theFord Motor Company will bring the “EcoBoost Challenge Tour” to The Maryland Zoo to introduce the newest lineup of 2015 Ford vehicles to Baltimore. The “Ecoboost Challenge Tour” is visiting cities across the country to give consumers the opportunity to experience the latest Ford vehicles with six unique drives including ...

animatronic dinosaur
The Year in Review — 2022 Highlights

With 2022 coming to a close, we thank you for your incredible support this year! Simply put, we couldn’t be successful without you. From all of your friends at the Zoo, we wish you all the best 2023 has to offer. Now it’s time to take a look back at the great things this year brought… PGF Semaphore "Wave" In January, we shared a ...

Panamanian Golden Frog
Research at Maryland Zoo Provides Insight into PGF Vocal Behavior

Natural variations in frog vocal activity persists despite years in environmentally-controlled conditions; findings have implications for how this critically endangered species breeds and communicates BALTIMORE, MD –  What set out to be a baseline study of vocal calls in Panamanian golden frogs (PGF) at the Maryland Zoo has yielded findings that could ...

zoo keeper infront of elephant exhibit
National Zoo Keeper Week Profile – Craig W.

It’s National Zoo Keeper Appreciation Week and we’re celebrating the amazing work our zookeepers do for wildlife every day. They are the dedicated keepers, teachers, and caretakers of the animals here at the zoo. They are also some of the most Passionate hardworking people you’ll meet. The Maryland Zoo is fortunate to have expert teams of animal ...

Zoo Staff Posing in front of a sign for an avian medical center
Oiled Wildlife Response as a Paraprofessional Partner

Originally published in Tri-state Oil Programs Oiled Wildlife Log Volume 5. To subscribe to Tri-State’s Oiled Wildlife Log, please email   by Andrew Judson, Maryland Zoo Commissary Keeper & Tri-State Paraprofessional Hi there! My name is Andrew Judson and I am currently a keeper in the Commissary Department at ...

Recycling for Chimps

One of the biggest threats to chimpanzees and other great apes is the mining of columbite tantalite or “coltan,” an important mineral utilized by many electronic devices such as cell phones. Coltan is primarily mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Central Africa, where animals like chimpanzees, gorillas and okapis live.  The ...