woman taking a selfie in front of an african penguin feeding
New Year, New Experiences at the Maryland Zoo

BALTIMORE, MD - The Maryland Zoo welcomes 2021 with some wild new experiences for animal lovers!  Two new “meet and greet” experiences will provide fun interactions with goats and penguins, while the third will take the visitor on a guided experience on the island at Penguin Coast, which will include a live demonstration of how Animal Care Team members ...

giraffe being treated
Off Exhibit: Julius’ Story

In June of this year, the Zoo welcomed its second giraffe calf in less than a few months. The excitement of Kesi’s first calf, however, was quickly replaced with concern as it was clear from the beginning that this giraffe newborn was in need of help. For four very intense weeks, the animal care and veterinary teams at the Maryland Zoo worked tirelessly ...

spur thigh tortise
Sulcata Tortoise

The Sulcata tortoise is native to the Sahara Desert and the Sahel, a transitional eco-region of semi-arid grasslands, scrub, and savannah in northern Africa. See them at the Maryland Zoo in the African Journey.  Sulcata tortoises are big, slow, and tough survivalists. Adults average 18 inches in shell length and 70 to 100 pounds in weight, but ...

Southern White Rhino Introductions Begin

RHINO INTRO UPDATE: Slow and steady. That’s the phrase that describes the pace the rhino team is taking introductions between two of the biggest boys at the Zoo. It’s also the demeanor we’re looking for between them before it’s time to move on to the next stage of intros. Here you’ll see and hear (sound on 🔊) Stubby (left) and Jaharo ...

Spring Returns to the Maryland Zoo

Trees are blooming, prairie dog pups are popping and the lemurs are back on Lemur Lane — all sure signs that spring has finally arrived at The Maryland Zoo! The Zoo now opens at 9:30 am each Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the summer. The Zoo is also open late the second Saturday of each month through September making tomorrow, Saturday May 9th the ...

First Glimpse of Prairie Dog Pups

A handful of prairie dog pups have emerged from their underground burrows (also referred to as “towns”) and are now visible on exhibit. We are hopeful that more will continue to surface throughout the rest of May. You can see them in Schaefer Plaza, right by the main Zoo entrance. Black-tailed prairie dogs mate once a year in late January and ...

Penguin Coast Set to Open September 27, 2014

http://youtu.be/0vqPRRI5Ydo BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is pleased to announce that Penguin Coast, the Zoo’s new state-of-the-art African penguin exhibit, will open to guests on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 10:00 am. Penguin Coast will bring guests up-close to penguins and white-breasted cormorants in a vivid re-creation of ...

african journey under construction
African Journey Construction Update: 2/22/19

Although some snow is still on the ground and winter seems to be lingering around for a little longer, construction is still moving forward with the African Journey renovations! Check out the update below for exciting new features that have been installed this past month. Lion Habitat The concrete has been poured and set for the Lion Promenade ...

Native Species Get New Digs at the Maryland Zoo

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is pleased to announce the opening of the newly renovated Meadow habitat in the Maryland Wilderness area.  Home to a dozen Eastern box turtles and an Eastern milksnake the area now features new native Maryland species: broad-head skink, American toads, and the critically endangered bog ...

box turtle with tracker on shell
The Maryland Zoo Releases Famous LEGO® Turtle to Native Habitat

BALTIMORE, MD – Two years after arriving at The Maryland Zoo in need of extensive veterinary surgery and a customized LEGO® wheelchair, a wild Eastern box turtle has returned to its native habitat in Baltimore’s Druid Hill Park. The turtle was fitted with a transmitter and released this morning. Zoo officials hope to track his movements as a part ...

bog turtle
Bog Turtle

Bog turtles live in saturated, usually spring-fed wetlands such as bogs, fens, wet meadows, sedge marshes, and older spruce swamps. They prefer relatively open wetlands with slowly flowing streams, rivulets, or surface seepages. These wetlands are usually dominated by clumps of grasses and sedges, and have soft muddy bottoms. At The Maryland Zoo, bog ...

Snowy owl with wings spread and tracker on its back.
Conservation at Work – Testing Solar GPS Transmitter for Snowy Owls

BALTIMORE, MD – This winter when Project SNOWstorm co-founder Dave Brinker asked the Maryland Zoo for assistance testing a new GPS transmitter for tracking snowy owls, Dr. Ellen Bronson, sr. director of animal health, conservation, and research and Jennifer Kottyan, avian collection and conservation manager at the Zoo, welcomed the chance to help by ...