river otter
Maryland Zoo Mourning Otter Mary

BALTIMORE -- The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore staff is mourning one of their most charismatic animals, Mary the river otter.  Mary was humanely euthanized on Monday, October 19, 2020 after a rapid decline in health. “Mary had remarkably few medical issues during her long life here at the Zoo,” said Dr. Ellen Bronson, senior director of animal health, ...

Zoo guests walking next to new Zoo entrance sign
New Report Ranks the Maryland Zoo’s Web & Social Media Channels Among the Best in the Country for Zoos and Aquariums

BALTIMORE, MD – A new report released this week ranks the website and social media channels for the Maryland Zoo among the best customer engagement experiences by a zoo or aquarium in the United States.  National marketing and customer experience agency, LaneTerralever, ranked 57 of the top zoos and aquariums in its “2022 Zoo & Aquarium Digital ...

two rhinos standing.
Southern White Rhinoceros

There are two subspecies of white rhino. Southern white rhinos live almost exclusively in the country of South Africa. Northern white rhinos were formerly found in several countries in east and central Africa but are now critically endangered, teetering on the brink of extinction, with less than a handful living in a Kenyan wildlife reserve. Both ...

Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane

Most sandhill cranes migrate between northern breeding grounds in the U.S., Canada and Alaska and southern wintering grounds in the U.S. and northern Mexico. Three sub-populations of sandhill crane living in Mississippi, Florida, and Cuba respectively are known to be non-migratory. These large and elegant birds are always found near water in open grassland ...

Penguin Construction Update – January 28th

The weather has been frigid and frosty, not unusual for January, but despite the snow and storms construction continues on site of the Zoo’s new African Penguin Exhibit. The Whiting-Turner team has made the best of what mother nature has had to offer and are working on all aspects of building construction that they can during what has been a fairly ...

Maryland Zoo Announces Arrival of Two Coquerel’s Sifaka

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore today announced the arrival of two Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli). This marks the return of the endangered lemur species to the zoo, which has not had sifaka since 2021.  Sifaka, which is pronounced “shi-FOCK,” are named after their distinctive alarm call. They have a unique brown and ...

Zoo Staff Posing in front of a sign for an avian medical center
Oiled Wildlife Response as a Paraprofessional Partner

Originally published in Tri-state Oil Programs Oiled Wildlife Log Volume 5. To subscribe to Tri-State’s Oiled Wildlife Log, please email oilprograms@tristatebird.org   by Andrew Judson, Maryland Zoo Commissary Keeper & Tri-State Paraprofessional Hi there! My name is Andrew Judson and I am currently a keeper in the Commissary Department at ...

team holding dolphin in water
Journal: Dolphin Rescue in Bolivia

The endangered Bolivian river dolphin, Inia boliviensis, faces a number of natural and man-made threats to its very existence. This past August, Dr. Ellen Bronson, the Zoo's Sr. Director of Animal Health, Conservation, and Research, made her second dolphin rescue trip to Bolivia - this time to relocate a pod of dolphins that swam into a shallow irrigation ...

Jones Falls Zephyr
The New Zoo Train “The Jones Falls Zephyr” Is Coming

Nine days and counting until The Jones Falls Zephyr opens at the Zoo on June 30! We took a “training” ride today and it’s a blast. Tickets will be $2 for members and $3 for non-members … discounted train rides are just another perk of membership! Why not purchase your membership today and save on the Zephyr.

Penguin Chicks Coming Soon – African Penguin Breeding Season Update

If you see Penguin Coast this fall, you may think the island, normally bustling with 70+ penguins, looks a bit tamer than usual. Don’t let appearances fool you, though. Behind-the-scenes in the nest room, things are anything but mellow. It’s penguin breeding season! More than a dozen pairs in the Zoo’s colony are recommended by the African ...

Zoo keeper infront of lion exhibit
Off Exhibit: Three’s Company

Recently, the Zoo’s lion pride was reconnected on exhibit after months of being separate. Why were they separated and what ultimately led to their reunion? Animal keeper Sydney Larsen joins us on this episode of Off Exhibit for some catty talk about what’s been happening recently behind-the-scenes with the Zoo’s three lions. Discover what changes ...

Ford “EcoBoost Challenge Tour” Comes to The Maryland Zoo

On Friday, March 27, 2015, theFord Motor Company will bring the “EcoBoost Challenge Tour” to The Maryland Zoo to introduce the newest lineup of 2015 Ford vehicles to Baltimore. The “Ecoboost Challenge Tour” is visiting cities across the country to give consumers the opportunity to experience the latest Ford vehicles with six unique drives including ...