zoo keeper and penguins
Off Exhibit: Penguins. Penguins. And More Penguins.

They’re everywhere. In movies. On TV. Advertisements. But with all their presence in popular culture, penguins are unfortunately not as visible any longer in the wild. With more than 60 penguins, the Zoo’s colony is the largest and most successful breeding colony of African penguins in North America. The effort to help save these now endangered birds ...

Zoe the giraffe
Maryland Zoo Mourning Loss of Giraffe Zoe

Baltimore, MD – The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is sad to announce the death of Zoe, the Zoo’s 16-year-old giraffe, who passed away during a medical procedure this morning. “We are stunned by this sudden loss,” stated Don Hutchinson, President/CEO of the Maryland Zoo. “Zoe was truly part of our Zoo family; she was born here, and has been a ...

Student Art from Base Camp Discovery

Here is a small sampling of the artwork done by visiting students at the Base Camp Discovery Education Center. The art work is placed in the specially designed Base Camp Discovery Mailbox and then displayed on the Base Camp Discovery bulletin board for a few days. Some select pictures will be featured in the Maryland Zoo Blog. Students may also ask questions ...

Why Arctic Foxes Don’t Hibernate.

From Student S.R. We have one arctic fox named Sly at the Maryland Zoo. Animals generally hibernate and migrate because of the difficulty of finding food and sometimes water during the time at which they do these things. Usually it is during the winter that these necessities are hard to get. Some animals, like spadefoot toads, aestivate (similar to ...

cockroach sitting on palm of hand
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Madagascar hissing cockroaches live in the forests of Madagascar, an island nation off the coast of Africa. At the Zoo, they are among the featured Animal Ambassadors introduced to audiences in education programs on and off grounds. Madagascar hissing cockroaches stay hidden beneath leaf litter or in rotting logs during the day and emerge at night to ...

egyptian tortoise
Egyptian Tortoise

Egyptian tortoises are native to the desert that fringes the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. They were once found in Libya, Egypt, and Israel but are now isolated to small patches of territory only in Libya. They are considered extinct elsewhere. The Zoo has one Egyptian tortoise in its Animal Embassy collection.  Animal Ambassadors from this ...

two polar bears
Maryland Zoo Polar Bears Enter Empty Keeper Area – Are Safely Back in Polar Bear Watch Habitat

Today at approximately 12:30 pm, the Zoo’s two polar bears cubs made their way into a keeper work area behind-the-scenes at Polar Bear Watch. During the entire situation, which was fully resolved by 1:10 pm, the bears were maintained in a secure area. There were no injuries to staff or the animals. Keepers were in an office area in ...

Van in sunset
Turtle Conservation

This special Field Talk will take you into the wild for a discussion of turtle conservation efforts. We welcome Kevin Barrett, the Zoo’s reptile and amphibian collection and conservation manager. He will speak about the work he does to learn more about the turtles in our very backyard. Join us at Union Craft Brewing to drink some local beer while you hear ...

Don Hutchinson
Don Hutchinson Steps Down as President of the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

[caption id="attachment_23409" align="alignleft" width="200"] Don Hutchinson[/caption] -- Kirby Fowler becomes President/CEO on July 1, 2020 -- BALTIMORE, MD – Don Hutchinson became President & CEO of The Maryland Zoo on an interim basis on January 2, 2008. In 2009, the “Interim” title was dropped and he has remained in that role for the ...

baby kudu in hay
It’s a Boy! Maryland Zoo Welcomes New Addition to Kudu Herd

BALTIMORE, MD -- The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is welcoming a male lesser kudu calf, born on Monday, October 5, 2020 in the late afternoon.  The birth is the result of a recommendation from the Lesser Kudu Species Survival Plan (SSP), coordinated by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). SSPs provide breeding recommendations to maximize genetic ...

virtual field talks
Bolivian River Dolphins

Dr. Ellen Bronson will speak on her experience with an effort to rescue and translocate a group of Bolivian river dolphins while collecting priceless information on this endangered species. Please click this link to join the webinar: https://marylandzoo-org.zoom.us/j/87252139401 No registration needed! Just click the link above to join on the day of ...

The Maryland Zoo Announces the Addition of 150 New Bats

BALTIMORE, MD –  The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore has more than quadrupled its population of Seba’s short-tailed bats (carollia perspicillata) with the addition of 150 animals to the existing colony of 30.  The new bats arrived from the Denver Zoo earlier in the spring. After a period of quarantine and diet adjustment, they were introduced to the ...