male sitatunga running
Maryland Zoo Mourning Sitatunga Hurley

BALTIMORE -- The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is saddened to announce the death of Hurley, the Zoo’s 13-year-old male sitatunga. Hurley, currently the only male sitatunga in the herd, was humanely euthanized on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. “Hurley had been undergoing treatment for several age-related health issues, including arthritis, since 2016. The ...

Keeper-in-Training Camp

A special experience for high schoolers! Keeper-in-Training gives the ultimate insider perspective ...

otter peeking out of a hollow log
Otter Training

Feed river otter Hudson before participating in a training session with this aquatic mammal.

Rhino Training

Step inside our African Watering Hole barn to watch a training session with our rhinos, J.P. and Jelani.

Jr. Keeper-in-Training Camp

A special experience for middle schoolers! Jr. Keeper-in-Training gives the ultimate insider ...

otter in water
New Zoo Conservation Partner: Seafood Watch

The Maryland Zoo is pleased to announce its new conservation partner: The Monterey Bay Aquarium and their Seafood Watch program. The program aims to help consumers and businesses purchase seafood that has been fished or farmed with as little environmental impact as possible. This allows them to purchase healthier seafood, while supporting conservation ...

chinchilla on cardboard box

Chinchillas are native to western South America.  They live on the rocky slopes of the Andes Mountains at elevations between 9 and 15 thousand feet.  The land is arid, with sparse vegetation and plenty of rock cover.  Chinchillas were once common along the entire western coastline of South America, but are now limited mainly to the countries of Bolivia, ...

rhino wallowing in mud.
The Year in Review 2021

With 2021 coming to a close, we thank you for your incredible support this year! Simply put, we couldn’t be successful without you. From all of your friends at the Zoo, we wish you all the best 2022 has to offer. Now it’s time to take a look back at the good, and bittersweet, things this year brought…  Introducing New Zoo ...

Off Exhibit: Breakthrough in the Chimp Forest

Animal training is part of everyday life at the Zoo and most of the time is fairly routine. But, every once in a while a training breakthrough happens that’s both unexpected and unprecedented. On this episode of Off Exhibit, we’re talking with Area Manager Pam Carter. Pam is leading a team of dedicated primate keepers who have trained a complex new ...

close up of hawk head
Photo Contest

Calling all digital photographers! Enter your images in the Maryland Zoo’s monthly digital photo ...