Test Archive Zoogram

Test Archive Zoogram


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget volutpat massa, consequat rutrum eros. Integer blandit molestie massa eget vestibulum. Nulla placerat arcu risus, eget aliquam est cursus et. In volutpat nisl sed vestibulum eleifend. Nam id consequat arcu. Donec sit amet odio velit. Vivamus neque felis, lobortis ac orci sed, auctor sagittis eros. Fusce felis tellus, ullamcorper vel dignissim id, consequat eget elit. Duis mollis sagittis libero, id tempor erat dictum et. Nulla elit massa, pulvinar non mollis quis, mollis sit amet magna. Vivamus quis risus et turpis imperdiet pellentesque id vitae libero.

    Sed dictum mauris at iaculis tempor. Nullam sit amet urna eget massa porttitor mattis id nec risus. Proin et vehicula dui. Etiam in dui at lectus tempor faucibus sit amet vel arcu. Quisque porta interdum dui et mollis. Mauris eleifend nisl nec enim viverra, in ultricies urna sollicitudin. Mauris facilisis eros ac venenatis viverra. Vestibulum consectetur ligula magna, quis placerat augue varius quis. Etiam aliquet nulla sit amet leo ornare vulputate. Phasellus ut diam diam. Maecenas urna sapien, maximus eget quam non, semper dignissim neque. Nulla a eros eu eros lobortis vulputate. Proin bibendum dignissim interdum. Cras et leo lacinia ligula vulputate ullamcorper. Maecenas sagittis metus odio, vel hendrerit ante volutpat a.

    Nam tempor ante at auctor hendrerit. Pellentesque vulputate ac nibh quis placerat. Nullam quam mi, vehicula vel elit eget, molestie faucibus leo. Etiam efficitur metus nec auctor pellentesque. Maecenas molestie eget felis nec egestas. Duis congue placerat ornare. Praesent ut euismod nibh, non pretium libero. Ut vestibulum vulputate nisl, eu consectetur metus efficitur a. Mauris scelerisque lectus id semper lobortis. Vivamus fermentum nunc a leo consequat porta. Vestibulum justo est, accumsan non dictum sit amet, varius at lectus.

    Nullam felis nisl, ornare at porttitor nec, condimentum sed ante. Suspendisse gravida elit enim, at eleifend urna volutpat non. Phasellus et velit suscipit, blandit turpis non, egestas turpis. Morbi posuere tortor urna, sit amet ornare ante viverra ornare. Donec et feugiat ex, rhoncus accumsan nisl. Vestibulum non nisi auctor, pretium ipsum id, pharetra enim. Nunc eleifend, massa vel congue fringilla, elit enim lacinia velit, a vestibulum erat nisl ut lacus. Maecenas id molestie nulla. Donec felis mi, gravida convallis nisi nec, hendrerit fringilla dolor. In vel volutpat ligula. Pellentesque tincidunt, eros in varius elementum, odio tellus cursus nibh, ac hendrerit mi ante at nulla. Mauris tempor, quam sit amet iaculis efficitur, magna tellus egestas est, non gravida dui tortor in massa. Donec eros lectus, fringilla nec tellus et, egestas pretium dui. Nunc posuere velit faucibus suscipit semper.

    Vivamus tellus dolor, imperdiet eget facilisis suscipit, mattis ac neque. Aenean aliquam, lorem quis placerat porta, nulla erat vehicula mi, in porta nunc tellus sit amet lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis id mauris dolor. Vivamus lobortis, felis non luctus sagittis, purus mi dictum enim, sed varius nisi magna non enim. Donec vel odio ut nisl fermentum mattis ac congue enim. Fusce a nunc orci. Maecenas nec massa sit amet nulla vestibulum cursus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec dignissim maximus mi quis gravida. Morbi metus ipsum, faucibus ut porta nec, faucibus sit amet felis. Quisque non ex et leo pretium commodo. Aliquam non urna tincidunt, posuere augue et, gravida dui. Ut justo tortor, rhoncus sit amet dolor quis, elementum ullamcorper libero. Nulla vel diam nec magna venenatis posuere mollis et justo.

    A baby chimpanzee smiling at the camera while wrapped in a towel.
    Baby Chimp Naming Fundraiser

    In case you haven’t heard, we recently welcomed a new baby chimp here at the Zoo. The little girl was born to first-time mom Rozi on June 10, 2024. Rozi and her infant did well initially, but after a few weeks the animal care staff noticed a decline in the infant’s health and became concerned that she was not receiving enough of her mother’s milk ...

    polar bear
    Maryland Zoo Bids Farewell to Alaska the Polar Bear

    BALTIMORE, MD — The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is saddened to announce the passing of beloved female polar bear, Alaska. Alaska had been suffering from kidney failure, a common ailment for geriatric bears, but had overall remained in good health until recently. During the past several weeks, Alaska’s quality of life had declined sharply and she was ...

    Maryland Zoo Helps Elder Animals Age Gracefully

    Exercise, physical therapy, and top-flight medical care are part of an extensive animal wellbeing program.   BALTIMORE, MD – Like humans, animals can feel the effects of age. But a comprehensive wellness program at the Maryland Zoo is helping its animals live longer, healthier lives. “We have several animals that qualify as senior citizens,” ...

    People cutting ribbon
    The Year in Review — 2019 Highlights

    What a wonderful year 2019 was—thanks to our guests and members for making it one to remember! With so many exciting things happening—the grand opening of the new African Journey, two new additions to our chimp troop, and more—there were just too many great moments to count. Now it’s time to take a look back… Penguin Chicks To ...

    grey parrot
    African Grey Parrot

    African grey parrots are native to west and central Africa.  They inhabit different types of lowland forest, including rainforest, woodlands, and wooded savannah.  They can be seen along forest edges and in clearings as well, and sometimes feeding in gardens and cultivated fields. African greys are kept as pets in many parts of the world and their ...

    Keeper Spotlight – Carolina D.

    Carolina is a Keeper 2, so rather than working in one specific area of the Zoo she moves around day by day. See what she has to say about her experience here in this National Zookeeper Week spotlight. What kind of animals do you work with or what area? I have worked with most of the animals at the Zoo. Lately, it has been primates in the Chimp Forest area ...

    Maryland Zoo Welcomes Two Cheetah Brothers

    The Maryland Zoo is happy to announce that two male cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), have arrived from the San Diego Wildlife Safari Park to take up residence in the African Journey section of the Zoo. Refu (Ray-fu) and Wgasa (Wa-gasa) were born at the San Diego Safari Park in July 2014, and are named for historical locations within that park. “We are very ...


    Cheetahs were once widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, across the Middle East, and in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Today, that vast range has shrunk to very limited range in parts of Africa. Most cheetahs live in small, isolated groups on the fringes of protected game reserves. They are pushed there by more aggressive predators such as lions and ...

    kid feeding giraffe
    Maryland Zoo Awarded Nature Play Grant by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums

    The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore announced today that they have been named a recipient of a “Nature Play Begins at Your Zoo & Aquarium” grant from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) for the Education Outreach program “BMore Natural with The Zoo.” Supported by the Disney Conservation Fund, these competitive grants, selected through ...

    two hands holding beer cups in front of penguin habitat
    Sip & Stroll Zoo Happy Hours Return This Fall

    BALTIMORE, MD – The popular Sip & Stroll adults-only small group happy hours have been scheduled for September and October.  Guests will enjoy local craft beers and wine while taking a guided twilight tour of the Zoo, focusing on a specific zoo-themed topic each evening. Sip & Strolls will be held from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm with themes varying ...