Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Nigerian Dwarf Goat

The Nigerian dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat of West African origin. They are similar in appearance to larger dairy goats but ideally, the does stand no taller than 17 to 19 inches and the bucks stand no taller than 19 to 20 inches. The coat can vary considerably by color and pattern.  Ideal weight is about 75 pounds. Now a domesticated breed, ...

plains zebra
Plains Zebra

There are four species of zebra: Plains, Grevy’s, Cape Mountain, and Hartmann’s Mountain. The Plains Zebra, on exhibit at The Maryland Zoo, is the most common and geographically widespread. It is also known as the Common Zebra or Burchell’s Zebra.  Plains Zebras roam Africa’s grasslands and venture into woodland and marshy areas as well. Check ...

red ruffed lemur
Red Ruffed Lemur

In the wild, red ruffed lemurs live only in the remote rainforests of northeastern Madagascar. Red ruffed lemurs very rarely descend to the ground. They spend almost all of their time in the high treetops. They live in female-dominated family groups averaging in size from 2 to 16 animals. They are active during the day and spend most of their waking ...

short tailed bat
Seba’s Short-Tailed Bat

Seba’s short-tailed bats live in moist evergreen and dry deciduous lowland forests of Central and South America. At the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, visitors can see Seba’s short-tailed bats in the Maryland Wilderness Cave.  They are not native to Maryland, but are similar in size and behavior to some Maryland bat species, and as fruit eaters can ...

sitatunga in grass

Sitatunga live in secluded, thickly vegetated, muddy swamps and marshes throughout central Africa. See them at the Zoo in the African Journey, across from the flamingos. Sitatunga tend to be solitary animals. Females may form loose herds but males keep to themselves. Sitatunga feed on bulrushes, sedges and leaves of bushes growing in the swamp or near ...

eastern tiger salamander
Eastern Tiger Salamander

Eastern tiger salamanders live throughout most of the United States, southern Canada, and eastern Mexico. They range more widely than any other species of salamander in North America. They are currently endangered in Maryland. At the Zoo, you can see tiger salamanders inside the Great Tree in the Maryland Wilderness. They are on exhibit seasonally ...

golden frog
Panamanian Golden Frog

Panamanian golden frogs are native to the wet rainforests and dry cloud forests of the Cordilleran Mountains that run like a spine through western-central Panama in Central America. At The Maryland Zoo, Panamanian golden frogs are one of our primary conservation species. They are a featured species in the Animal Embassy collection, and can also be seen ...

bald eagle
Bald Eagle

Bald eagles are found across Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. They typically live in forested areas near rivers, lakes, or marshes where they can find fish. Haines, Alaska prides itself on being home to the largest concentration of bald eagles in the world.  Bald eagles also live in Maryland year round, mostly along the Chesapeake Bay and ...

blue wing duck
Blue-winged Teal

Blue-winged teal breed across much of central and northern U.S. and Canada in prairie lands. They are the first ducks to leave the breeding grounds in early fall and the last ones to return, so they have a short time to produce a new generation. Blue-winged teal will migrate great distances, from northern Canada deep into Central and South Americas ...

Corn Snake

Corn snakes live in the eastern United States from southern New Jersey south to Florida and west to Louisiana and parts of Kentucky. They are one of 27 species of snake found in Maryland, but are more common further south. They inhabit meadowlands and wooded groves, especially sandy pine and scrub oak woods. At The Maryland Zoo, corn snakes can be seen ...

eastern hognose snake
Eastern Hognose Snake

Eastern hognose snakes are native to eastern North America from southern Canada, the Great Lakes region, and New England south to Florida. They prefer woodlands with sandy soil, fields, farmland, and coastal areas. At the Zoo, you can see hognose snakes inside the Giant Tree in the Maryland Wilderness. Hognose snakes are active during the day. They ...


Wild ostriches live in Africa’s savannahs and semi-arid Sahel region. They once populated parts of the Middle East but were hunted to extinction there by the mid 20th century. They are located in the African Journey area of the Zoo, next to the flamingos. Ostriches graze alongside other large herbivores such as zebra and antelope. The Maryland Zoo ...